1960-1967 Culture Decade

TCHS Sport Nite Extravaganza

Show Gives Fairer Sex Long-Awaited Chance to Display Talents

Dr. Paul R. Spencer, principal, favors Sport Night because it will give the girls a chance to display the type of work they have been doing in their gymnasium classes.  He suggested that everyone in the school, including the faulty, be tagged with either a Red or Black ribbon.

Two opposing teams, one Red and one Black, headed by captains are working hard to arouse school spirit.  Song committees of both teams are writing songs.  Cheer committees are willing to stand on their heads to get “pep” into the affair.  The decoration committees are looking for several firemen ladders to reach the rafters in the gymnasium.

For the first time in the history of Trenton High School, the sports department will manage an entire girls’ evening’s performance. 

Discover More:

1960 26th Sport Nite
1961 27th Sport Nite
1962 28th Sport Nite
1963 29th Sport Nite
1964 30th Sport Nite
1965 31st Annual Sport Nite
1966 32nd Annual Sport Nite
1967 33rd Annual Sport Nite