Support the Trenton Museum Society: Be a Guardian Angel!
Dear Friends,
Would you like to support the Trenton Museum on an ongoing basis? Any amount is welcomed, and all you have to do is check the recurring box when you make your donation. (Monthly is the most popular choice of our recurring donors.) Just remember that any amount on a regular basis make an enormous impact on protecting the future of the museum.
As a Trenton Museum Society Guardian Angel you will help keep watch over the special, shared community that is the Trenton City Museum at Ellarslie.
With appreciation,
Joan Perkes, President, TMS
The Trenton Museum Society is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. It is the non-profit support group for the Trenton City Museum, providing exhibits, programming, and staff to operate the museum. To make a donation, click below or mail your contribution. We value your support!
Checks may be made payable to Trenton Museum Society and mailed to Trenton Museum Society
P. O. Box 1034
Trenton, New Jersey 08606
Please include your contact information with your check.
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