June 15 – August 4, 2013
Kyle Hamilton’s one-woman show of paintings and drawings titled Memories of Warsaw is on display in the Malloy Gallery of the Trenton City Museum. The expressionist urban landscape depicted is dark, vertiginous, post-apocalyptic – sometimes inhabited by the figure of a young girl as witness.
She remarks that at first she wanted to turn her back on the “autonomous terrain” fused together from “fragments of history, fragments of memory, and fragments of my imagination,” but came to a benedictory insight:
“Nothing is created that is useless. I now believe we should embrace the wickedness, for beauty will unfold, and we will grow stronger. For me, this show and the pieces in it reveal that out of calm reflection comes wisdom, kindness, and beauty.”
Kyle Hamilton received her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting from The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and the Arts in 1994. A software engineer at SnapOne, Inc., headquartered in Princeton, she expects to receive her Certificate in Computer Science from Mercer County Community College in 2014. Her works have recently shown at the MCCC Gallery, the Arts Council of Princeton, Gallery 125, Artsbridge at Prallsville Mills, A.K. Badner Gallery, and the Trenton City Museum.