Ellarslie Open 33

Posted in Exhibits

MJ Sagan, Serotiny, Oil

Ellarslie Open 33
Juried Exhibit
On Display
May 7, 2016 – June 26, 2016

Opening Receptions

VIP Night ~ May 6, 6-8 pm

$15 at the door

Public Reception ~ May 7, 6-9 pm




A Short History of the Ellarslie Open

In 1982, the Ellarslie Open was established to encourage local artists to submit their work for judging and display. Since then, the Trenton City Museum has displayed the work of more than eight hundred local and regional artists, many selected on the basis of work they submitted to the Ellarslie Open. Over the years, the Ellarslie Open became a significant exhibition in its own right, drawing on the work of professional artists from the tri-state region and beyond, while encouraging and recognizing emerging artists. Today, the Ellarslie Open serves as mid-Jersey’s premier annual juried exhibit.


Ross Lance Mitchell, Juror

Ross Lance Mitchell is the Director of Barnes-de Mazia Education and Outreach Programs for the Barnes Foundation in Philadelphia. This is his second term of employment with the Barnes Foundation where he previously served as the Gallery Director. He is the former Executive Director of the Violette de Mazia Foundation whose mission was to teach aesthetics and art appreciation. Mr. Mitchell started his career as a painter and studied at the Barnes Foundation in Merion, PA with Violette de Mazia. He has served as Executive Director of Historic Laurel Hill Cemetery in Philadelphia where he repositioned the cemetery as a heritage tourism destination. Mr. Mitchell was also Senior Associate for VIART Corporation, a Manhattan based art-consulting firm. He serves on the board of BuildaBridge, a nonprofit whose mission is to use art to heal children and communities in the contexts of crisis and poverty. His past volunteer service included serving as President of the Philadelphia Sketch Club, Commissioner on the Lower Merion (PA) Historical Commission, as well as Vice President of the Lower Merion (PA) Historical Society.


Thank you to the 236 artists who submitted 472 works.  Congratulations to the artists with accepted work.  And many thanks to Ross Mitchell for a fine job as juror.  Our patrons will be pleased.


First Last Title
Bobbie Adams Remembering China
Bobbie Adams My China
Jane G. Adriance Blue Fruit
Brigitte Aflato-Calderon Harem
Priscilla Snow Algava Inner Listening
Priscilla Snow Algava Symbolic Language of the Elders of the Earth
Joanne Amantea Summer Soltice
John Ashton Worlds Asunder
John Ashton Funky Teapot: Just a spot
Bob Barish Rhythm in Motion
Joy Barth El Viage
Constance Bassett Bird on a Fence Post
Mechtild Bitter My Village
Mechtild Bitter Gathering
Janis Blayne Paul Peonies for Catherine
Christopher Bosse Beemer Dreamers
Christopher Bosse Edinburgh Castle
Bill Brookover Black Window #2
Raymond Brown Creek, Kennett Square
Jean Burdick Suspended III
Jean Burdick Fragmented Branches
Peter J. Burt Northeast Corridor
David Cann Heracles
David Cann Lock #9
Maryann Cannon Queen’s Tree
Maryann Cannon Loving Pear
Sean Carney NYC Sky View #2
Jeanne Chesterton Faded Memories
Larry Chestnut Still Life w/Blue Bowl & Candle
Sue Chiu Out of the Smoke – Into the Open Air
Sue Chiu Figurative Autumn
Helene Condouris Midsummer Light
Helene Condouris Autumn Meadow
Peter Cook Jazz
Anna Cook Black & White #1
Nicola Dalbenzio Off Center City
Laurel Daunis-Allen View from Deer Isle, No. 1
Susanne Pitak Davis Riding the Dog
Susanne Pitak Davis Goose girl
Ingrid Davis Parrot Tulips in Vase
R.L. DeFalco In Observance of the Day
R.L. DeFalco Dr. James Parsons, Virginian
Hanneke DeNeve Circles II
Hanneke DeNeve Woman
Louis Di Lauri Chuck Norris Country Ranch
Suzanne Dinger It’s Just a Silo
Morrris Docktor Mary Magdalene
Joanne Donnelly City Sunset
Bill Donnelly Moss, Root, Sweetgum Fruit
Deborah Eater Octopus’s Garden
Burgess Ekman Exhale
Susan A. Esbensen Panem et Circenses
Lisa Falkenstern Roots
Janet Felton What Bears Actually do in the woods
Beverly Ardos Fredericks Linear Drawing 2
Laura Friesel Boat Bridge at Sano
Oki Fukunaga Sporangium
Maurice Galimidi Seated Nude
Maurice Galimidi Marquand Park, Princeton, NJ
Anne Gannon Chasm Blues
Richard Gerster Organic Form
Joseph Gilchrist Court Abbey Graveyard, Co. Sligo
Trudy Glucksberg Tea Time w/Coffee Rings
Trudy Glucksberg Cool Pears
Sheila Grabarsky Orange Segment
Diane Greenberg Sun Stripes
John Gummere Sunday Evening
Kyle Hamilton Queue for Bread
DJ Haslett Source
Rose Louise Heim Serenity
Elisa Hirvonen Observation Tower #3
Elisa Hirvonen Observation Tower with Heads
Lynne Hoffman Canyon II
Richard Hoffman 1811 House Route 29
Gyuri Hollosy Nocturns in Flight
Paula Huttner Start-up
Katarzyna Iwaniec Portrait Trudy
Katarzyna Iwaniec Portrait Anna
Bill Jersey Geometry of a Small City
Jean R. Joslin The Pole Farm
Jean R. Joslin Highland Sheep on Cape Breton
Jess Kilpatrick Moonstruck
Nelly Kouzmina Moment
Joanna Krasnansky Hulmeville Falls
Susan Kubota Memory Sisters
Renee Kumar And Mary Wept
Renee Kumar Wintering Over
Neil Larsen Rudy’s, Keyport, NJ
Ronald A. LeMahieu Homage to the Maize God
Ronald A. LeMahieu Cast Iron Cornucopia
Richard Lennox Somewhere
Dorine Lerner Asphaltum #2
Kathleen Liao Prayer Staff
Ryan Lilienthal Small World Coffee 2014
Ryan Lilienthal Small World Coffee 2016
Eleni Litt Dark Beauty
Christopher MacKinnon Links in a Chain
Christopher MacKinnon Do Not Disturb
Dominic Martelli The Pear Triangle Confrontatin
Alexandra Martin Tom
Thomas Martin Portrait of Woman
Thomas Martin Portrait of Paul
Catherine J. Martzloff Backyard Magic
Catherine J. Martzloff Livingroom Light
Sharon Mastrosimone Dolce Far Niente (It’s Sweet Doing Nothing)
Sharon Mastrosimone If Only…
Raymond Mathis Idol
Raymond Mathis Nexus
Helene Mazur Calor
Barbara McDougall Risk to Bloom
Michael McFadden Winter Birds
Lucretia E. McGuff-Silverman Entrance to Snowy Field
Alex McKibben View of the Bridge
David Meadow The Museum
Richard P. Merrill No Escape
Richard P. Merrill Unhinged
Marge Miccio Clouds – Spruce Head, Maine
Marge Miccio Lamberton & Cliff Streets
Arlene Gale Milgram Origin of Dreams
Arlene Gale Milgram Dream Chart
R.A. Mitchell Pacific Drift
Lynne S. Monica Barcelona Dreaming
Thomas Montanari Striper Sunrise
Florence Moonan Duet
Florence Moonan Digga Digga Do LP1306
Caryn Newman Voluptous
Caryn Newman Onyx Odalisque II
Jason Norton Transformation
Elizabeth Oberman The Gondolier
George Olexa Sentinals
George Olexa Star Gazing
George Olexa Beach Volleyball Tryouts
George Olexa Boy with Duck & Teddy
George Olexa Apparition
John O’Neill Very fair Grounds
John O’Neill A Lot A Little
Linda Osborne Still Life with Pitcher
Michael Pascucci Jocasta’s Desire IX
Michael Pascucci Silhouette of a Woman
Deborah Pey Canyon Strata
Deborah Pey Hot Tropics
Shoshana Pofelis Smithbridge, DE
Shoshana Pofelis The Art Model, The Unacknowledged Subject
Bonnie Christina Randall Feline Apparitions with Avian Tendencies
Bruce Riley Symbiosis
Gala Rokhinson Still Life with Grapes
Laurie Rubinetti Winter on the Delaware
Louis Russomanno Road Work
Louis Russomanno Yellow Truck
M.J. Sagan Serotiny
M.J. Sagan Still Life
Robert Sakson Yellow Tamper
Christina Schmitz Mindless Reflections
Gretchen Schroeder Downtown Diva
Sara Schupsky Crucible
Everett H. Scott Convalescence
C.a. Shofed Malcom-Less
Arthur Silver Lovers
Janet Marion Simmons After Poussin: Inspiration of the Poet
Aurelle Sprout Stop Piping
Kevin Stout Lillies after Rain
Larry Straus St.Joseph Univrsity Graduation Tent
Rose Marie Strippoli The Journey
Robert Sussna Abstract #1
Jas Szygiel Days End
Jas Szygiel Across the Barrens
Sandy Taylor Structure
Sandy Taylor What Lies Beneath
Karen Terry A Fox at Night
Jack Turkel Ticana Pyramid
Ellen Veden Strolling in the Park
Trisha Vergis Ascension in Blue
Trisha Vergis White Front & Center
Charles David Viera Fall Confrontation
Samuel Vovsi Dance of Colors
Samuel Vovsi Dancing with Fire
Cynthia Walling Red Pines
Edward Ward Afternoon in the Wood
Phoebe Wiley Coat of Many Colors
Phoebe Wiley Pink Plate
Marc Winans Luz da Manha
Selected Pieces

Richard DeFalco, In Observance of the Day

Richard DeFalco, In Observance of the Day

Carol Schupsky, Crucible

Sara Schupsky, Crucible

Deborah Eater, Octopus

Deborah Eater, Octopus

Florence Moonan, Digga Digga Do, acrylic on vintage vinyl record w/petrified vegetable

Florence Moonan, Digga Digga Do, acrylic on vintage vinyl record w/petrified vegetable

Joanne Donnelly, City Sunset, photograph

Joanne Donnelly, City Sunset, photograph

David Meadow, In the Museum, acrylic

David Meadow, In the Museum, acrylic

Phoebe Wiley, Pink Plate

Phoebe Wiley, Pink Plate

Alexandra Martin, Tom

Alexandra Martin, Tom

Samuel Vovsi, Dance of Colors, photograph

Samuel Vovsi, Dance of Colors, photograph


Gallery talk about exhibition
Sunday May 22, 2016, 2 pm
Award winners will be invited to discuss their work with the public

Exhibition closes June 26, 4 pm

  • Pick up of artwork with receipt: Sunday, June 26, 2016, at close of show 4 – 6 pm only
  • Monday-Friday, June 27 – July 1, 2015, 11am-3pm